List of my favorite podcasts
While shaping clay into vases and sculptures in my studio, I often find companionship in the voices of podcast hosts and their guests. These podcasts are not just background noise, they are a source of inspiration, guiding me through personal development, health goals, and artistic inspiration.
Today, I'm thrilled to share with you episodes that have left a mark on me, hoping they might enrich your life as they have mine.
I find a lot of inspiration by listening to the journeys of artists I admire, want to learn from or be where they are in life. It's fascinating how each story unfolds, revealing struggles, epiphanies, and moments of sheer bravery.
While looking at the list of episodes I want to share with you I realized that all of them are about female artists. It happened unconsciously. These three stories resonated with me so much as I navigate my own artistic transformation and find a great support in listening to other female artists who went through the same process as me.
1. How to find your artistic voice? A conversation with the artist Windy Chien.
Windy Chien is an artist making sculptures and installations out of knots. It's very unique and impressive!
Why I fell in love with Windy not only because of her art but her powerhouse personality - strong, dynamic, and influential.
She became an artist in her late 40s and had completely different careers before that. I very much relate to her story as I discovered ceramics at the age of 41 and had no previous artistic pursuits. Her large-scale art installations and success remind me that there are no limits and that everything is possible!
It's a must-listen episode!
Click here to listen to the episode.
Also a website and an Instagram link to see Windy's work.
Website: Visit Windy Chien’s portfolio of artistic creations
2. Marina Abramovic: one of the greatest living artists on the performance, passion and power.
Marina Abramovic is a legend and there is no need for any introductions. Listening to Marina discuss her art and life is like attending a master class in resilience. Her dedication as a creator and her embrace of failure as a stepping stone to growth are lessons that extend far beyond the art world.
This episode is particularly interesting because of the podcast theme that celebrates the stories of failures and what we can learn from them. Failing is not celebrated in our society but it's an important force behind growing and developing. Elizabeth Day is a great host, I enjoy her deep and emotional conversations with the guests.
Click here to listen to the episode.
3. Interview with a ceramicist Taylor Kibby.
Taylor is a Los Angeles-based ceramic artist. Her work is very unique - she makes ceramic chain wall pieces and sculptures with the incorporation of beaded stands. In this episode, she shares her vision and creative process. These types of interviews are like a sneak pick into the artist/s studio.
The journey to recognizing oneself as an artist is filled with self-doubt and exploration. It's very exciting but also can be painful at times.
Up until 3 years ago I didn't identify myself as an artist. To be honest I'm still on the path of realizing myself as someone who can create. So I have a lot of questions about "what does it mean to be an artist?".
Art2life podcast from artist Nicholas Wilton is a gem in answering my questions and opening the door to the life of an artist.
Besides creating art Nicholas formed a community for artists to learn and develop. He hosts retreats, and workshops and shares a lot of wisdom and inspiration. I'm waiting, saving, and relistening his episodes!
This particular one is my favorite - "Personal is universal" a conversation on authenticity and vulnerability.
From the description: As artists, it’s so important that our work continually moves towards authenticity. The more personal our work becomes, the more universal and accessible it becomes for everyone else.
Click here to listen to the episode.
I feel incredibly fortunate and thankful to have found Nicholas and his willingness to generously share his knowledge. Here are the links to his website and Instagram for you to follow along:
Another subject I'm passionate about and actively explore is personal growth. Podcasts are one of the best sources to learn and meet experts from different areas of this field.
1. Why couples really fight with Figs O'Sullivan.
The podcast of Mark Groves has so many good episodes, solo ones as well as with guests. It's one of my go-to shows at all times. He talks about relationships, parenting, mindset, trauma, healing, and much more.
This particular episode talks about how past traumas and attachment type we developed in childhood affects our relationships.
A few years ago when I first heard about that idea it was a breakthrough for my relationship. I started to notice how many times when I or my partner expressed emotions or disappointment towards each other we talked not from the position of an adult but from a little girl or a boy who didn't get enough love, were criticized or rejected by the important adults in our childhood.
What we need during these moments is understanding and acceptance of our feelings. Where what we usually get is resentment, criticism, and even more misunderstanding and distancing. Understanding these principles can tremendously help in personal and professional relationships.
I highly recommend this one!
Click here to listen to the episode.
2. How to build a happy life: a new formula for happiness.
An interesting conversation with the psychiatrist who provides a scientific view into the key elements for living happily.
I have always been interested in alternative approaches to health. Especially now when the stress levels of our everyday life are so high that we don't even recognize it as stress and adapt to live with it while it slowly negatively affects our health.
I'm very interested in ways we can enjoy modern life with all its benefits while keeping our body and mind functioning well and supporting us in what we do.
Here is a list of podcasts that do exactly that and touch on the topic of women's health, hormones, stress, gut health, etc.
1. Finding healing and health from a mind-body approach with Dr. Afrouz Demeri.
This episode is mainly addressing women's health. It's one of those empowering talks that motivates and gives you the power to overcome whatever health challenges you are facing.
Click here to listen to the episode.
2. How to Build Muscle for Longevity and Get Your 30 Grams of Protein Per Meal with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon.
This is an eye-opening information on the importance of muscle building and protein consumption in our overall health. I was shocked to discover how important is muscle building as we age and what role it plays in preventing diseases associated with age.
Same with protein consumption, the older we get the more protein we need. Surprisingly enough majority of us are undereating, particularly proteins.
Click here to listen to the episode.
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon has her own podcast that I will link below and a newly published book called "Forever Strong: A New, Science- Based Strategy for Aging Well".
As we navigate our paths, let's remember the power of stories to inspire, heal, and transform. I look forward to hearing about the podcasts, interviews, or books that move you. Feel free to share your favorites in the comments below or send me a message here or on my Instagram. Let's continue to support and inspire each other on our journeys.